Friday, March 20, 2015

To Azealia Banks

Dear Azealia,

First off, I would like to clear the air. I am a conservative, white American. I live in Missouri. I work a 9-5 and have a husband and son. I love my life. I am not a fan of yours. Your music offends me, as do your opinions. Please stay with me, because I know my whole life offends you.

I love you.

I love you because you are a human being. I love you because you are created in God's image. I love you because even though we are opposites and if we were to meet, we would probably clash horribly, we do have one thing in common. We are both horribly depraved sinners. I don't know what sins you would admit to, but I, for one, am a liar, cheater, thief, adulterer and probably a lot more that I've forgotten. I do not think I'm better than you. In fact, I know I am just a downright horrible person. But I'm a horrible person who chooses to love you.

I love you despite your offensive actions. I love you even though there is a possibility that you are going to accuse me of some kind of latent lesbianism (because you know that as a conservative, Christian, midwest American, that will probably offend me). I love you because of a choice I made, not because of emotions I feel. I love you, someone who offends me and is offended by me, because that is how God loved me before ever I loved Him (please see the PS), and I must share His love.

I know you are getting a lot of flak right now from "my people" (you know, the conservative, white American sector). They are offended by what you said about us and are letting you know about it. I didn't even know you existed before this whole Playboy article thing popped up, and I was shocked to hear what you had to say. But I am going to love you, not hate you. I am going to forgive you, not judge you. I am going to pray for your salvation, not for you to leave America or die or something equally rude. I am going to forget your offenses against me, instead of holding them against you.

I doubt we will ever meet in person. But if we do, you will see that my words are not just a clanging cymbal, a terrible sound in your ears. You may say awful, mean things to me, but I will be patient and kind to you. I will not boast of myself and my opinions pridefully. I will not dishonor you, I will not become angry. I will not be evil to you, and do not delight in others doing so. I will joyfully share with you truth, even truths you may not want to hear. I will protect you, I will trust you, I will have great hope for you, I will persevere in loving you. And through the power and strength of God, I will not fail (by the way, if you ever pick up a Bible, you will find this passage in 1 Cor. 13). And yes, heaven knows I am not perfect. I am terribly apprehensive about claiming all this, because I know all my imperfections and I do not want to let you down.

But looking around me, I cannot wait for others to tell you this. I do not know if they will. And these are things you need to know. There are people who disagree with you and your stances but still choose to love you. I am one of them.


P.S. "But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This is recorded in Romans 5:8. Christ DIED for me before I ever heard of Him. And so I love you, before you ever even know I exist.