Monday, July 28, 2014

The Shed... and a little more information

Last Monday, we had a big, beautiful shed delivered to our house. If there's one thing you need to know about my husband, it's that he is interested in guns and reloading. This means that our second bedroom has been occupied by a lot of reloading equipment - the sorts of things that won't really mesh with a baby. So we got a shed to store his equipment and give him a place to work.

My husband's parents came into town this weekend so his dad could help him get the shed set up. We're really excited about it - it now has electrical wiring, insulation, an air conditioner and a more sturdy counter for my husband, Andrew, to use for his workshop.

I have my first baby shower on Saturday - My mom is throwing it for me with the help of my grandma and I'm excited to start putting together a room for our little guy.

In other news, I'm still looking for a work-at-home job and I have gestational diabetes. Hmm... maybe the shower won't be QUITE as much fun as I thought... all that cake...

This little more information to which I alluded in the title is just what I'm planning on doing with this blog. I am going to use it to give people who are interested in our lives a little information about what is going on with the baby every day (it'll get more interesting a couple of months after he's been born, I think), because we have family scattered all over the world.

But I also think I'll have a section that I call "The Philosophical Shower" where I post some of my thoughts about all kinds of different things. You see, I realized a few nights ago that (for some reason), I like to wax eloquent to myself while I shower in the evening. The topics are wide and varied, whether it's musing over a blog post I read that day, or my in-depth analysis of a fight I had with Andrew that day, or what I think of a particular song's lyrics. It could be anything.

My disclaimer for this section of posts is going to be this:
I do not care if you are offended by my opinions. That probably means I'm offended by yours. But my opinions are based on rational logic that I have deliberated in my own mind and heart, not based on what institutions around me are simply telling me to think. So if you want to have a discussion, I'd love to. Don't yell at me (IN ALL CAPS) or call me names, and I will not pay any attention to your use of curse words. Saying things I disagree with very loudly isn't going to make me want to agree with them more (or make me like you better).

Another part of this section is that it will probably be very personal. A lot of my opinions have been formed from my own experiences, and what I've witnessed in my family and friends. Your anonymity will be protected as well as possible.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Our growing family

As a seven-month pregnant new mommy-to-be, my world is changing.

My husband and I were married in May four years ago. I've been a student, then a dropout, then a student again, then a dropout again... all the while maintaining a generally low-income student job. But there's a game-changer now.

We're having a baby.

So recently I've been putting time in trying to find a slightly better paying, less temporary job where I can work from home.

I've also been dealing with a wildly changing body. I don't think any amount of reading books or wise advice can prepare someone for what pregnancy does to you. I'm sitting here right now, typing while our little one is placidly rolling around in my tummy. I can see it, and feel it and it is so weird.

Yesterday I learned a little bit more about what I can take and what I can't. We had guests over for dinner last night, so I cleaned our whole house in one day and cooked a meal. We had a wonderful time, but after our guests left, I completely froze up! Turns out I have a too-much-work threshold now. Who would have thought?

I wish I could communicate better how excited we are for the arrival of our little boy. Every time he moves inside me, I want to show people (but by then he's still, of course). And it would be a little silly anyway:

"You'll never believe the cute thing my baby just did!"